How Youth Crime is Affected by Drug Abuse and Mental Heath – A Case Study of Kawale Policing Area


  • Wezi Fatsani Maseko DMI St. Eugene University, Lilongwe, Malawi


Drug abuse, Mental health, Youths, Crime, Policing area


Drug abuse also known as substance abuse is referred to as the use of certain chemicals with the purpose of creating pleasurable effects in the brain, there are a number of reasons why youths indulge drug abuse such as, coming from families where members use drugs, this makes it possible for the drugs to be found easily, availability of cheap alcohol in small amounts that is found in selling points within people’s residents, fuels drug abuse in youths. This study uses random sampling technique to examine the correlation between youth crimes and drug abuse and mental health. The study sample comprised 40 samples (20 men and women, and, 20 youths). Questionnaire was used for collection data. Data shows that 24 percent of youths abuse drugs, it is learnt that 18 percent of male youths’ abuse drug while 6 percent of female youths’ abuse drugs. Data shows that alcohol is the most abused drug with 12 percent, seconded by Tobacco with 9 percent, then Cannabis with 5 percent and 1 percent for other drugs. The research reveals that 80 percent of cases that are committed by youths are triggered by drug abuse and some of the crimes that are committed are vandalism, shoplifting, theft, robbery, common assault, sexual assault, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. It is suggested that parents and guardians should always know what their youths are doing, and know their friends to monitor them well. Parents should always set good examples to their children and encourage them in education. Schools should have anti-drug abuse clubs to make awareness on evils of drugs to children, the youths themselves should avoid bad company, and places where drugs are found to avoid temptations.


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How to Cite

W. F. Maseko, “How Youth Crime is Affected by Drug Abuse and Mental Heath – A Case Study of Kawale Policing Area”, IJMDES, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 11–26, Apr. 2023, Accessed: Feb. 05, 2025. [Online]. Available: