U-Loop Design Traffic


  • Rushikesh Kailas Kale Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management, Nashik, India
  • Prachi Sanjay Raut Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management, Nashik, India
  • Khushal Manoj Bharsat Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management, Nashik, India
  • Abhishek Prakash Shinde Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management, Nashik, India
  • Pavan P. Vispute Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management, Nashik, India


Dwarka circle, Traffic, U-turn, U-loop


This project represents the development of a U-loop traffic sensor device that can detect the vehicles under miscellaneous and without lane traffic conditions. The present available loop systems are only fit for lane based and similar traffic conditions. The evolved combined loop system has a new loop structure that can determine heavy vehicles like bus, dumper, truck etc., as well as minor vehicles like bicycle, bike, etc., taking up any available space in the road. The planned system detects, separates the vehicle type and calculate the number of vehicles even in miscellaneous traffic flow condition U-Loop is a new creative form of taking U-turn and crossing system of motor vehicles. If this method is practiced, there will remain no need of existing signal system on roads to control traffic. All the circles for road crossing will be shut. Vehicles will change their directions from ahead or later the prior crossing point. We detect and experience that one of the main reasons of traffic barrier in city is the frequently current traffic signal crossing system. If there is a circle where four directions of roads are connected there it takes 4times extra to cross that circle and even then, generate far terrible situation.


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How to Cite

R. K. Kale, P. S. Raut, K. M. Bharsat, A. P. Shinde, and P. P. Vispute, “U-Loop Design Traffic”, IJMDES, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 15–18, May 2022, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://journal.ijmdes.com/ijmdes/article/view/27

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