Public Integrity Checking of Group Shared Data on Cloud Storage with Less Certified Using Ranking Search
group sharing, cloud storage, ranking searchAbstract
Now-a-days, the cloud server is deceitful. Remote Data Possession Checking Protocols have been put forward as a result. The RDPC protocol is built on a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which has reliability deficiency. To address this complication, RDPC's foundation is Identity Based Cryptography (IBC). Because of the precariousness, IBC has a key escrow disadvantage. To describe these issues, we introduce a novel RDPC protocol that checks the consistency of data communicated among a group using the certificate less signature mechanism. The user's private key under our suggestion is made up of two parts: a partial key generated by the group manager and a secret value picked out by the user. To ensure that the correct public keys are used during data consistency testing, each user's public key is associated with his or her unique identity, such as a name or phone number. As an out-turn, the certificate is no longer in need of, and the issue of key escrow is also resolved. What's More, our system clears the way for effective user withdrawal from the group. Most prevailed ranked keyword search schemes generally focus on improving search efficiency or service, but they are in need of efficient access control and formal security analysis at the same time, hence we handed out Multi-Keyword Ranked Search. To solve these issues, we offer a fast and private Multi-Keyword Ranked Search method with fine-grained access control in this study (MRSF). For security reasons, all files are stored in a group. Also, a Caution Indication System is included aiming at the security of the user. For example, whenever the end user logins, an indication message will be sent to the user’s mail. So, if there is any questionable action taking place they can be identified and the required security measures can be taken.
Copyright (c) 2022 J. Bharathi, S. Pooja, E. Gopika, S. J. Vivekanandan, G. Abirami, R. Reni Hena Helan

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